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Managing your dataset descriptions with ANZMP

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The maintenance of geographic dataset descriptions is enabled by retrieving and processing SGML/XML metadata documents. The Australia New Zealand Metadata Parser (ANZMP) will validate the document to ensure that its structure is sound and that certain content is valid. Presentation documents are generated in HTML and plain-text format. If the member then chooses to publish the document, it is added to the public collection overnight and indexed by the search service.

ANZMP is a facility for members of the Eco Companion service to manage their dataset descriptions that conform to the ANZMETA Document Type Definition for datasets in Australia and New Zealand.

The document "About ANZMP" provides an overview.

Preparation of the metadata document

The first step is to prepare the metadata document which describes your dataset. There are two methods available:

Processing SGML/XML metadata

Ask the ANZMP parser to process your document. There are three routes to ANZMP, depending on your method of metadata preparation:

Through either route, ANZMP will process and validate your SGML metadata descriptions ...

Please be patient, as the parser has a lot of computing to do. Network response time will have double the effect, if your document is also being retrieved by our server.

Before proceeding, the parser will ensure that the document is a plain-text file and that it looks like an ANZMETA SGML/XML document. Specifically, the following lines must be at the beginning of the file.

<?XML VERSION="1.0"?>

Conforming to the DTD

The ANZMP parser will ensure that the SGML/XML document conforms to the ANZMETA Document Type Definition by assessing the following:

Any error messages will be comprehensively reported by the parser. The messages will describe each problem that is encountered and will indicate the line number in your metadata document. The parser is strict.

If the processing of your document reports any structural errors, then see ANZMP guide to parser messages.

Content checks

The content of many elements is validated to ensure that the document conforms to the ANZLIC Guidelines for Core Metadata Elements.

For example, the DATE elements are validated to ensure well-constructed date strings in the ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DD. Keywords elements are checked against authority lists. Coordinates are checked for numeric range. The important minimum bounding rectangle (upon which search services are built) must be valid window (e.g. North is greater than South).

Content checks are described in ANZMP content checks.

Documents that are produced

ANZMP produces your dataset description in both HTML format and in TEXT format. The HTML documents will be able to be successfully validated by the W3C HTML Validation Service using the HTML 4.0 Transitional DTD.

The documents are published using digital library management techniques, so enabling them to be readily discovered on the network. Dublin Core metadata elements for enhanced resource discovery are added to the HEAD section of the HTML documents by the document management facilities

Publish the document

The documents that you generate will remain in your preparation folders while you edit them, view them, and perhaps edit them again. When you are satisfied with the presentation of your dataset description you can then choose to publish it.

Publishing happens overnight (around dawn Australian Eastern Time). Your documents will be available the next working day for public viewing and searching. This procedure also gives the editors a chance to investigate any documents that are scheduled for publication.

Using this document management facility you can create, publish, or delete your dataset descriptions.

Last Modified: 11 September 1998