Eco Companion Australasia
Quick and Custom Search
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  • Enter the search term using single words or phrases
  • Enclose phrases with double-quotes
  • Choose which document collection
  • Press the "Submit query" button
  • Use "simple text" interface to search for text using defined fields
  • Use "advanced search" interfaces to conduct complex queries including numeric, temporal, and geographic terms
Try today's featured search ... or enter your own
Hint: Build custom queries like: "passive solar" and capability/building
Which document collection to search:
Maximum number of hits to retrieve:


See also help by example below.

How to conduct quick searches

How to prepare custom searches

You can use a powerful query language to concisely specify your query.

Use round brackets and the Boolean operators: AND, OR, ANDNOT, NEAR as in the following examples:

The search can also be contrained to certain fields within the documents:

What is meant by "Full Text"

Every word in every document has been indexed, as well as the text in certain fields. "FullText" means "search for the term anywhere in any text of the document, even in hidden text such as behind the hypertext anchors of URLs".

Join terms with Boolean operators

Combining two search terms into one logical query is done using the operators AND, OR, ANDNOT, NEAR.

The query "solar AND energy" will find only documents that contain both words.
The query "solar OR wind" will find only documents that contain either word (as well as both words).
The query "solar ANDNOT wind" will find only documents that contain the word "solar" but do not contain the word "wind". ANDNOT is the complement of AND.
This means "find search term #1 within 50 characters of search term #2".

Text terms

A "word" consists of a group of non-blank characters, e.g. solar

A "word list" consists of two or more words separated by blanks. A Boolean OR is implied between words in the word list, e.g. solar alternative natural will find documents that contain at least one of those words.

A "phrase" consists of a word list enclosed in double-quotes. The value to be searched for is exactly the word order that appears in the phrase, e.g. "passive solar"

Phrase searching

To search for a phrase, enclose the term in double quotes ...

If the quotes are omitted then the query terms will be treated as a word list.

Case insensitive

Searching is completely case-insensitive ...

Wildcards and right-truncation

A limited wildcard facility is supported with right-truncation. Append an asterix "*" to the end of a search term to match any word that begins with the given prefix. Use the wildcard to search for all plural and singular forms of a word. This is also useful if you are not sure how to spell the end of a word.

Use as many known characters in the term as possible to get a more accurate search. The use of wildcards does cause a slower search.

Ranking of results

The search results are scored and then ranked according to their relevancy within the set of results.

A document that contains more instances of high-scoring search terms will get ranked higher. What makes a search term "high-scoring"? Basically, the fewer documents the term occurs in, the more important it must be. If many instances of the term occur in a particular document, then that document will be ranked higher, especially if it is a short document.

Common words are excluded from the query

Certain very common words are discarded from the query. These "stop words" such as: it, these, and, or, a, also, two will have no effect. Here is the complete current list of 400 stop words.

Help by example

The following examples will help you to understand how to conduct "quick and custom" searches. Select the link in each case to carry out the canned example search.

Example #1
Search Term: solar
Collection: All HTML pages
Meaning: Find documents that contain the single word "solar" occurring anywhere in all of the text of all of the HTML pages
Try it: canned example #1

Example #2
Search Term: title/bird
Collection: All HTML pages
Meaning: Find documents that contain the single word "bird" occurring in the "TITLE" field of all HTML documents
Try it: canned example #2

Example #3
Search Term: solar or wind
Collection: Business Descriptions
Meaning: Find documents that contain either of the single words "solar" OR "wind" both occurring anywhere in all of the text. Search only for documents in the collection of business descriptions.
Try it: canned example #3

Example #4
Search Term: (directory or catalog*) and ("digital library" or "online library")
Collection: All HTML pages
Meaning: Find documents that contain either of the single words "directory" OR any spelling of "catalogue" both occurring anywhere in all of the text. The documents must also contain either of the specified phrases.
Try it: canned example #4

Example #5
Search Term: title/region*
Collection: Dataset descriptions
Meaning: Find documents that contain any of the words "region, regions, regional, etc." occurring in the "TITLE" field. Search only for documents in the collection of dataset descriptions.
Note: The asterisk means find any word that has the prefix of region but has any ending to the word. This "wildcard" facility is explained n the help above.
Try it: canned example #5

Example #6
Search Term: "drainage basin*"
Collection: All HTML pages
Meaning: Find documents that contain the phrases "drainage basin, drainage basins" occurring anywhere in all of the text
Try it: canned example #6

Example #7
Search Term: capability/"building and construction" and "passive solar"
Collection: Business Descriptions
Meaning: Find business description documents that contain the phrase "building and construction" occurring in the "capability" field. The documents must also have the phrase "passive solar" occurring anywhere in all of the text. Search only for documents in the collection of business descriptions.
Note: If you wanted to find both phrases occurring in the "capability" field then you would need to precede the second phrase with "capability/".
Try it: canned example #7
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