Z-alarm: Explain full reports |
This document explains the private full reports for each node. See also the general overview of the service and the other help pages, particularly Help: Explain summary tables and Help: Explain test identifiers. Each section of a full report is described below.
Current Z-alarm configuration
These are the basic configuration details for this node, which enable zclient software to search your target. Please contact IndexGeo if you need to alter this or add a new target.
These are the public details listed at ASDD and GSDI Registry.
Gathered information about your server
The Z39.50 protocol provides a mechanism for targets to declare their implementation details. This is the response that was received from your server during the INIT phase. Some types of server contravene the Z39.50 protocol and do not provide such details.
Current statistics
Some basic statistical information about this server.
Query results
The table columns are ...
- Row number.
- Test Identifier - A code to uniquely identify this particular test. Follow the link to pop-up concise help about this test.
- Query expressed as human-readable text, with additional explanation.
- Query expressed as KWAQS (see below).
- Result - Either success (green) or failure (red) with a reason. Some tests may need to be skipped (yellow) because previous dependent tests have failed. Some tests have warn (orange) because the result is inconsistent and may need manual investigation. For some tests it is relevant to show the number of records returned by a successful query.
KWAQS is a simple query syntax language to technically express the Z39.50 query. A search query comprises up to 6 Z39.50 Attributes.
- Use Attribute
- Relation Attribute
- Position Attribute
- Structure Attribute
- Truncation Attribute
- Completeness Attribute
- e.g. the KWAQS "water[1,4]" means to search for the single word "water" with Use Attribute 4=title
- e.g. the KWAQS "water quality[1,62,4,1]" means to search for the words "water quality" with Use Attribute 62=abstract and Structure Attribute 1=phrase.
General notes: These are only listed on the summary page to explain any obscure issue, such as the target not properly reporting its implementation details as per the protocol.
Private notes: These are additional notes from our assessment of your monitor report.