Z-alarm: Explain test identifiers

This is a concise table to explain each particular Test Identifier. (See help notes.)

IdDescription of testCompliance level
u01Use Attribute: 4 (title)mandatory
u02Use Attribute: 12 (uniqueid)mandatory
u03Use Attribute: 31 (publication-date)desirable
u04Use Attribute: 62 (abstract)mandatory
u05Use Attribute: 1003 (custodian/author)mandatory
u06Use Attribute: 1005 (originator)desirable
u07Use Attribute: 1012 (revision-date/metd)mandatory
u08Use Attribute: 1016 (Any)mandatory
u09Use Attribute: 1035 (Anywhere)desirable
u10Use Attribute: 2002 (theme-keyword)mandatory
u11Use Attribute: 2038 (westbc)mandatory
u12Use Attribute: 2039 (eastbc)mandatory
u13Use Attribute: 2040 (northbc)mandatory
u14Use Attribute: 2041 (southbc)mandatory
u15Use Attribute: 2042 (place-keyword)desirable
u16Use Attribute: 2060 (bounding)mandatory
u17Use Attribute: 2062 (timeperd)mandatory
u18Use Attribute: 2072 (begdate)mandatory
u19Use Attribute: 2073 (enddate)mandatory
u20Use Attribute: 3124 (theme-keyword)desirable
s01Structure Attribute: 1 (phrase) (See also t50)mandatory
s02Structure Attribute: 2 (word)mandatory
s03Structure Attribute: 6 (word list)mandatory
s11Structure Attribute: 5 (date normalized)desirable
s12Structure Attribute: 210 (date string)mandatory
s13Structure Attribute: 210 (date range string)mandatory
s14Structure Attribute: 4 (year)desirable
s21Structure Attribute: 109 (numeric string)mandatory
s22Structure Attribute: 200 (co-ordinate)desirable
s23Structure Attribute: 201 (co-ordinate string - N W S E)mandatory
r01Relation Attribute: 1 (less than)mandatory
r02Relation Attribute: 2 (less than or equal)mandatory
r03Relation Attribute: 3 (equal)mandatory
r04Relation Attribute: 4 (greater than or equal)mandatory
r05Relation Attribute: 5 (greater than)mandatory
r06Relation Attribute: 6 (not equal)mandatory
r07Relation Attribute: 7 (overlaps)mandatory
r08Relation Attribute: 8 (fully enclosed within)mandatory
r09Relation Attribute: 9 (encloses) i.e. completely coversmandatory
r10Relation Attribute: 10 (fully outside of)desirable
r11Relation Attribute: 11 (near)desirable
r14Relation Attribute: 14 (before)mandatory
r15Relation Attribute: 15 (before or during)mandatory
r16Relation Attribute: 16 (during)mandatory
r17Relation Attribute: 17 (during or after)mandatory
r18Relation Attribute: 18 (after)mandatory
a01Attribute Set BIB1 (OID:1.2.840.10003.3.1)mandatory
a02Attribute Set GILS (OID:1.2.840.10003.3.5)desirable
a03Attribute Set GEO (OID:1.2.840.10003.3.9)mandatory
a11Record Syntax SUTRS (OID:1.2.840.10003.5.101)mandatory
a12Record Syntax XML (OID:1.2.840.10003.5.109.10)mandatory
a13Record Syntax HTML (OID:1.2.840.10003.5.109.3)mandatory
a14Record Syntax SGML (OID:1.2.840.10003.5.109.9)desirable
a15Record Syntax GRS-1 (OID:1.2.840.10003.5.105)desirable
a21RS=SUTRS actually delivers a plain-text file (conducts various tests).mandatory
a22RS=XML actually delivers an XML file (conducts various tests).mandatory
a23RS=HTML actually delivers an HTML file (conducts various tests).mandatory
a29Ensure no HTTP re-direct for Full record. This is Z39.50 protocol, not HTTP.mandatory
a30Element Set B (Brief)mandatory
a31Element Set B is truly Briefmandatory
b01Boolean text (base single term), e.g. water (to compare the other results)mandatory
b02Boolean text (base single term), e.g. supply (to compare the other results)mandatory
b03Boolean text, e.g. water OR supply (should be greater than or equal to b01)mandatory
b04Boolean text, e.g. water AND supply (should be less than or equal to b01)mandatory
b05Boolean text, e.g. water ANDNOT supply (should be less than or equal to b01)mandatory
b06Boolean text, e.g. water OR water: a trick question (should be same number of records as b01)desirable
b07Boolean text, e.g. water AND water: a trick question (should be same number of records as b01)desirable
t10online linkage (2021)desirable
t11linkage type (2022)desirable
t12deliberately broken UA (9999) - should always give error message "unsupported Use Attribute"mandatory
t21Structure Attribute "always matches" (103) with Use Attribute "Any" (1016) - the search term is discarded and all records matching the field are returneddesirable
t22Count all records - using northbc (2040) less than or equal to 90mandatory
t23Count all records - using metadata date field (1012) before or during todaymandatory
t24Count all records - using metadata date field (1012) after 1979-12-31mandatory
t25Count all records - using null querydesirable
t26Count all records - using overlaps world-wide spatial querymandatory
t30Proximity - using the Near Operator (Word-1 NEAR Word-2)desirable
t31Ensure not all searches give zero resultsmandatory
t32Determine response time for full-text searchmandatory
t40Right truncation - any word-endingmandatory
t41Right truncation - base term (for comparison)mandatory
t42Right truncation - extra word-ending (for comparison)mandatory
t44Right truncation - compare resultsmandatory
t50Compare phrase query with the separate wordsmandatory
t51Compare word-list query with the separate wordsmandatory
t52Compare some methods of counting records (t22 == t24)mandatory
d03Date: metadata date (1012) before 19991215mandatory
d04Date: metadata date (1012) after 19991215mandatory
d05Date: time period (2062) during or after the range 199906 to 200107mandatory
d06Date: time period (2062) during the range 199906 to 200107mandatory
d07Date: beginning-date (2072) during the range 199906 to 200107mandatory
d20Compare results from tests d03 and d04mandatory
p02Spatial: overlaps (RA=7) - using compound element UA=2060mandatory
p03Spatial: within (RA=8) - using compound element UA=2060mandatory
p04Spatial: within - using complex boolean query against individual Use Attributes (N, W, S, E)mandatory
p05Spatial: overlaps - using complex boolean query against individual Use Attributes (N, W, S, E)mandatory
p11Extremity condition: northbc (2040) less than or equal to 0mandatory
p12Extremity condition: northbc (2040) greater than 0mandatory
p13Extremity condition: northbc (2040) less than or equal to 90mandatory
p14Extremity condition: northbc (2040) greater than or equal to -90mandatory
p21Compare results from tests p11 and p12mandatory
p22Compare results from tests p02 and p03mandatory
p23Compare results from tests p03 and p04mandatory
p24Compare results from tests p02 and p05mandatory

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