Eco Companion Australasia
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Maintain your documents using member services


The Eco Companion document management facilities enable members to maintain collections of information. Promote descriptions of your collections of data or references, explain the capabilities of your eco-business, provide your contact details and outline your expertise.

Your member credentials allow you to access the "Member Services" page at any time. This will present the document management facilities and customise them to your document collection.

You have total control - only publish the documents that you choose, with the elements that you want to publicise. For example, you may not want searchers to find your phone number, so simply do not complete that optional element. When you are happy with the documents that you have created in your preparation folders, you can then publish and refine them.

The Eco Companion catalogue search services use every word and phrase in the text of your documents, together with keywords and references that you have added. Our server also invites network robots from the general search services (such as Alta Vista) to also index each member's published documents. Your documents will also be promoted to worldwide library networks.

The help document "Explanation of online form submission" explains the general procedure to submit forms, how you are alerted to errors, explains mandatory and desired elements, and shows how a limited set of HTML elements can be used in some fields to improve document presentation and to link to other web pages.

Login to use member services

Whenever you try to access the member services page, you will need to enter credentials (your username and password) - this procedure is called "login".

Login to member services means that the WWW pages that you use will be customised to your member details. In this way, your documents can only be edited by you.

The login procedure does not incur any charges, it is simply a method to ensure valid users. There is no need to ever "logout".

Only one current login session is permitted per member, so as to maintain the integrity of your set of documents. Suppose you try to run a new instance of a browser to begin a new login session. You will find that your previous browser window can now only carry out guest services such as searching and browsing, or view the help documents.

Forgotten your password?

If you forget your password then send feedback, including as much of the following information as possible: username, full name, verification code (this was sent to you when you joined), email address, date joined. Editorial staff will confirm who you are and then reset your password.

Your document collections

The "join" program creates two spaces for you to hold documents on our server - your member preparation folders and your published documents folders.

Your member preparation folders holds the documents that you maintain using the document management facilities. You can edit them many times over until you are satisfied with their presentation.

You are assigned a "private home page" with a URL of the following form. This page can only be accessed by you, by supplying your member credentials. In this way you can view your documents that are in preparation, to be sure that the presentation is satisfactory.

Be aware that the editors are super-users and can also view your private pages.

Publishing a certain document will then copy it over to your published documents folders, where it will be available for public viewing and searching.

You are assigned a public home page with the URL of the following form. You can use this URL to promote your Eco Companion document collection.

Facilities available

The following document management facilities are available ...

Acceptable Content Policy

All members of Eco Companion must abide by the Acceptable Content Policy. These guidelines help to ensure that the collections contain relevant documents. Editors have special powers to oversee the collection.

Editors can block access

Editorial staff have facilities to block individual members from access, remove published documents, and terminate membership.

The Acceptable Content Policy explains the powers of the editors.

Last Modified: 27 June 1998