Z-alert - new or modified ASDD metadata records: August 2002
Dataset descriptions that are new or modified this month are listed for
each node. This table is regularly generated by automatically conducting
the following temporal query at each search service:
metadata_date after 2002-07-31 AND
metadata_date before 2002-09-01
The Australian Spatial Data Directory (ASDD) is a
group of separate distributed nodes. Each node is a powerful search system managed by a data custodian. Each node is a collection of uniform dataset descriptions (ANZLIC metadata records). Each dataset description concisely describes a certain spatial dataset (a discreet package of location-based data). Each such record often provides links to further detail and may provide an interface to the actual data.
You can now conduct searches via the
main ASDD web gateway
to discover these specific updated metadata records.
ACT Spatial Data Directory
- Found 0 modified records
Australian Antarctic Data Centre
- Found 57 modified records
- Listing titles of first 50 records ...
- MACQ_NO2:Macquarie Island nitrogen dioxide
- heard_huts_gis:Heard Island Huts GIS Dataset
- heard_vol_cones_gis:Heard Island Volcanic Cones GIS Dataset
- ASAC_1243:Nature and Evolution of the Upper Mantle beneath Heard Island
- ARPANSA_Bio:Daily broad-band ultra-violet radiation observations using biologically effective UVR detectors
- SOE_human_population:Station and ship person days
- SOE_marine_debris:Monthly collections of marine debris from Sandell Bay beach on Macquarie Island
- SOE_medical_consultations:Number of medical consultations at Australian Antarctic stations
- SOE_air_pressure:Monthly mean atmospheric pressure for Australian Antarctic Stations
- SOE_SFU:Monthly electricity usage at Australian Antarctic Stations
- SOE_chlorophyll:Average Chlorophyll concentrations for the Southern Ocean across latitude bands 40-50 deg S, 50-60 deg S, 60 deg S-continent
- SOE_Mean_Sea_Level:Mean sea level
- SOE_protected_areas:The number and area of protected areas in the Australian Antarctic and sub-Antarctic jurisdiction
- SOE_rare_events:The number and nature of incidents resulting in environmental impact in the Australian Antarctic Territory
- Casey_Soil_T:Old Casey Soil temperatures
- SOE_fur_seals:Environmental determinants of fecundity and pup growth in fur seals
- SOE_greenhouse_gas:Air sampling for greenhouse gas concentrations and associated species
- SOE_RTA_waste:Quarantine waste, including recyclables, returned to Australia from Australian Antarctic stations
- SOE_helicopter_hours:Total flight hours in the Australian Antarctic Territory (AAT) by Australian helicopters
- SOE_potable_water:Total potable water consumption (litres)
- SOE_seabird_candidate_sp_AP:Annual population counts at selected Adelie Penguin colonies within the AAT
- SOE_seabird_candidate_sp_SGP:Breeding populations of Southern Giant Petrels at Heard Island, the McDonald Islands and within the AAT
- SOE_seabird_candidate_sp_KP:King Penguin breeding population at Heard Island.
- SOE_seaice:Southern Ocean Sea Ice Extent & Area
- SOE_NLC:Noctilucent Cloud observations at Davis
- SOE_PSC:Polar Stratospheric Cloud observations at Davis
- SOE_station_footprint:Station footprint for Casey, Davis and Mawson
- SOE_STRATOPAUSE:Stratopause region parameters for Davis
- SOE_ozone:Monthly means of total column ozone over Macquarie Island
- SOE_adelie_demog:Demographics of an Adélie penguin population at Béchervaise Island, Mawson, Antarctica
- SOE_hydroxyl:Midwinter atmospheric temperature at altitude ~87km
- SOE_vegetation_extent:The presence or absence of vascular plant species in two defined areas of Heard Island
- SOE_sea_surface_temp:Average sea surface temperatures in latitude bands: 40-50 deg S, 50-60 deg S, 60 deg S-continent
- SOE_sea_surface_salinity:Average sea surface salinity in latitude bands: 40-50 deg S, 50-60 deg S, 60 deg S-continent
- SOE_deep_lake:Water levels of Deep Lake, Vestfold Hills
- SOE_SPA_SSSI_permits:The number of permits issued for entry into Specially Protected Areas and Sites of Special Scientific Interest in the AAT
- SOE_sphagnum:The distribution and extent of Sphagnum moss on Macquarie Island
- SOE_low_strato:Monthly mean lower stratospheric temperatures above Australian Antarctic stations.
- SOE_monthly_max_temp:Monthly highest air temperatures for Australian Antarctic stations.
- SOE_monthly_min_temp:Monthly lowest air temperatures for Australian Antarctic stations.
- SOE_mid_tropo:Monthly mean mid-tropospheric temperatures above Australian Antarctic stations.
- SOE_monthly_mean_temp:Monthly mean air temperatures for Australian Antarctic Stations
- SOE_fishing:Annual catch in tonnes of marine species harvested in Antarctic and subantarctic waters
- SOE_incinerator_fuel_usage:Monthly incinerator fuel usage of Australian Antarctic Stations
- SOE_vehicle_fuel_usage:Monthly total of fuel used by vehicles at Australian Antarctic Stations
- au9206:Aurora Australis Southern Ocean oceanographic (CTD) data, cruise au9206 (FISHOG)
- SOE_lead_isotopes:Lead isotopes in snow and ice in the Australian Antarctic Territory
- Bot_Bibliography:Botanical Bibliography
- Lidar_Bibliography:Lidar Bibliography
- Ground_Bibliography:Ground Level Enhancements Bibliography
Australian Hydrographic Service - Product Metadata
- Found 47 modified records
- Listing all titles ...
- Aus148 Hogan Group (Nautical Chart)
- Aus834 Claremont Isles to Cape Weymouth (Nautical Chart)
- Aus831 Low Islets to Cape Flattery (Nautical Chart)
- Aus824 Penrith Island to Whitsunday Island (Nautical Chart)
- Aus754 Lancelin to Cape Peron (Nautical Chart)
- Aus518 Goschen Strait to Ward Hunt Strait (Nautical Chart)
- Aus64 Onslow (Nautical Chart)
- Aus64 Approaches to Onslow (Nautical Chart)
- Aus44 Ashmore Reef (Nautical Chart)
- Aus246 Turkey Beach (Nautical Chart)
- Aus246 Approaches to Port of Gladstone (Nautical Chart)
- Aus204 Broken Bay (Nautical Chart)
- Aus148 Kent Group (Nautical Chart)
- Aus178 Smithton (Nautical Chart)
- Aus178 Grassy Harbour (Nautical Chart)
- Aus112 Approaches to Fremantle (Nautical Chart)
- Aus55 Approaches to Port Walcott (Nautical Chart)
- Aus13 Bing Bong (Nautical Chart)
- Aus13 Port Langdon (Nautical Chart)
- Aus178 Approaches to Grassy Harbour (Nautical Chart)
- Aus178 Port Latta (Nautical Chart)
- Aus178 Stanley Harbour (Nautical Chart)
- Aus178 Wynyard (Nautical Chart)
- Aus178 Currie Harbour (Nautical Chart)
- Aus258 Gladys Inlet to King Reefs (Nautical Chart)
- Aus258 Mourilyan Harbour (Nautical Chart)
- Aus258 Dunk Island (Nautical Chart)
- Aus258 Oyster Point (Nautical Chart)
- Aus270 Approaches to Heath Reef (Nautical Chart)
- Aus270 Cape Melville and Pipon Islets (Nautical Chart)
- Aus270 Cooktown (Nautical Chart)
- Aus270 Port Douglas (Nautical Chart)
- Aus270 Cape Flattery Wharf (Nautical Chart)
- Aus270 Howick Group (Nautical Chart)
- AU410143 Torres Strait - Dove Islet to Bramble Cay (Great North East Channel) (Electronic Navigation Chart)
- AU410144 Coral Sea - Eastern Approaches to Great North East Channel (Electronic Navigation Chart)
- AU411140 Arafura Sea - Western Approaches to Carpentaria Shoal (Electronic Navigation Chart)
- AU411141 Arafura Sea - Larpent Bank to Carpentaria Shoal (Electronic Navigation Chart)
- AU499142 Torres Strait - Tern Islet to Larpent Bank (Electronic Navigation Chart)
- AU411143 Torres Strait - Dugong Island to Dove Islet (Great North East Channel (Electronic Navigation Chart)
- AU412141 Gulf of Carpentaria - "North - South" Transit (Electronic Navigation Chart)
- AU412142 Great Barrier Reef Inner Route - Viking Reef toTern Islet (Electronic Navigation Chart)
- AU412143 Great Barrier Reef Inner Route - Cape Grenville to Viking Reef (Electronic Navigation Chart)
- AU413141 Gulf of Carpentaria - Approaches to Weipa (Electronic Navigation Chart)
- AU413143 Great Barrier Reef Inner Route - Gallon Reef to Cape Grenville (Electronic Navigation Chart)
- AU5__ 4P1 Gulf of Carpentaria - Port of Weipa (Electronic Navigation Chart)
- AU4__834 Great Barrier Reef Inner Route - Claremont Isles ot Cape Weymouth (Electronic Navigation Chart)
Australian Oceanographic Data Centre
- Their server replied with Error Code: 114 -- Unsupported Use attribute - Unsupported Use Attribute: 1012
BRS and Australian Natural Resources Data Library (ANRDL)
- Found 0 modified records
Bureau of Meteorology
- Found 0 modified records
CSIRO Marine Research
- Found 0 modified records
EA Environmental Data Directory (Green Pages)
- Found 0 modified records
Geoscience Australia (formerly AGSO)
- Found 0 modified records
Geoscience Australia - National Mapping Division (formerly AUSLIG)
- Found 1 modified record
- Listing all titles ...
IndexGeo Pty Ltd - Eco Companion catalogue
- Found 1 modified record
- Listing all titles ...
- Bird sightings at 160 Cowper Street Goulburn NSW Australia (1997-2000)
NSW Natural Resources Data Directory
- Error: No response from node, probably down
NT Spatial Data Directory
- Their server replied with Error Code: 114 -- Unsupported Use attribute -
Other Commonwealth Agencies (hosted by BRS)
- Found 0 modified records
Qld Spatial Data (QSIIS)
- Found 0 modified records
Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines Spatial Data
- Found 0 modified records
South Australian Spatial Information Directory
- Found 4 modified records
- Listing all titles ...
- Cadastral Lines
- Mount Lofty Water Protection Zone
- Postcodes
- Valuation
Tasmanian Spatial Data Directory
- Found 15 modified records
- Listing all titles ...
- Derwent Estuary Marine Habitat Map - 1:25 000 Digital Series
- Mineral Deposits Database (MIRLOCH)
- Tasmanian Rock Catalogue (TASROK)
- Whole-Rock and Mineral Chemistry Database (ROCKCHEM)
- Rock Chip Geochemistry Database
- Whole Rock and Mineral Isotope Database (ISOTAS)
- Geochronology Database (TASCHRON)
- Groundwater Quality and Borehole Database (BORIS)
- LIST Public Land Classification
- LIST Leases
- LIST Cadastral Parcels
- LIST Easements
- Bathymetric Contours
- Bathymetric Polygons
- LIST Planning Schemes
Victorian Spatial Data Directory
- Found 0 modified records
WALIS Interragator-Aerial Photography
- Found 0 modified records
WALIS Interragator-Bibliographic Data
- Found 0 modified records
WALIS Interragator-Environmental Impact Statements
- Found 0 modified records
WALIS Interragator-Natural Resource Monitoring
- Found 0 modified records
WALIS Interragator-Spatial Data
- Found 0 modified records
Summary: found a total of 125 new or updated records
at 23 nodes.
Warning: This application is a robot that contacts each node in turn
and conducts the search. You may see problems with some of the remote search
services, due to server configuration and data management issues. That is the
responsibility of each distributed search node. All that we can do is to
attempt to detect and explain these inter-operability issues.
A maximum of 50 record titles are listed from each node.
- No response from node
- - their Z39.50 search service could not be contacted (e.g. machine is
off-line, server is not running, very busy server, network congestion)
see Status of ASDD Nodes
- Unsupported Use Attribute: 1012
- - their Z39.50 search service is not configured to respond to
searches using the "Metadata Date" attribute (metd=1012)
- Cannot conduct search
- - their Z39.50 search service failed to carry out the search
- - the most probable causes are that they are using server software that
is way out-of-date, or their server is poorly configured
- Cannot present titles
- - their Z39.50 search service failed to present the list of results
- - the most probable causes are that they are using server software that
is way out-of-date, or their server is poorly configured
- Cannot connect
- - our robot cannot connect to their server (there seems to be some
drastic inter-operability problem)
- Results are consistently zero hits, yet i know that there are
modified records
- - server configuration and data management issues - many possibilities
- - e.g. their metadata records are not properly updated, see the
"Metadata Date" field
- - e.g. their metadata records have not been properly validated to ensure
reliable structure and content
- - e.g. their search server is poorly configured, and only partially
responds to the date search
- Other notes
- - early in the month, the record counts could be zero of course
(look at the date generated below)
- - sorry, the distinction between Updated and New cannot be determined, as
the ANZLIC metadata would need a "Metadata Revision Date" field
and a "Metadata Publication Date" field,
rather than a solitary "Metadata Date" field
- - the history summaries prior to 2002-03 will have slightly skewed results,
because they started being recorded on that date and were generated for
the past (e.g. a document that was updated in 2001-09 and again in 2001-11
will only get recorded for the latter)
- - news and notes about the Z-alert ASDD service
- Who to contact about suspected problems
- - the results of all searches depend on proper configuration of the
remote search server by the data custodian
- - See ASDD node descriptions
for their contact details
Perhaps you want to build your own network service based upon
automated use of the structured log and summary files that are
generated by this service - please contact
IndexGeo Pty Ltd.
- www.indexgeo.net/zalert/
- generated on 2002-08-31